Here is our next Winning Women workshop on 9 November and an opportunity to experience a taster session of Awakened Belly Dance with Clarity Jane Rivers. Learn more about Jane here.
“It was a truly amazing and truly grounding experience and I loved every minute of it”. Leanne Wood
“It was the most empowering and liberating morning I’ve ever had”. Kellie Jones
It’s so important for us to really understand why being grounded is vital not just every day life but in business too.
By moving with intention, the dance and visualisations transports you deep into your roots.
Allowing you to sort and sift what truly belongs to you .
During this session you will have the opportunity to start to unravel and release yourself from some of the self and society imposed restrictions, programming and ancestral conditioning.
Jane will dance along with you demonstrating how to use this combination of sacred dance movements, breath and energy work and conscious communication to get you to a deeper state of grounded connection.
So you become fully grounded, present and connected to your own body and to your self – on all levels .
This is a 3 hr taster session
Cost – £55.55
Includes light refreshments
Space are limited
So please email
To book your place. Jane will also send you a health questionnaire & payment details
For more about Awakened Belly Dance, watch a short video here.