A little history of Winning Women!
When I started my own networking group in 2013, it was called Essex Heart Centred Entrepreneurs. We grew slowly, from three of us in my lounge to meeting in local cafes. Some mornings I would be sitting by myself at ten past ten and then one other person came. One day, August 2014, we were […]
A Winning Women Jewellery Making Workshop
This is our first Winning Women Workshop for while! Come and join us on 17 May, 10.30 am til 12 noon in Chelmford for a fun and creative morning learning how to make jewellery, meeting other like minded business women too! Hosted by Fiona Stretton-Emerson! For £24 you get to meet other women AND take […]
How to dress for a business meeting
A guest blog by Sandra Sparrowhawk, Colour and Style Consultant and member of our Winning Women Inner Circle. This very much depends on the type of business you represent, but for me I am my own shop window. Having said that I don’t feel the need to wear a suit as most of my clients […]
Winning Women Charity Auctions raise £10,000 in 2020/21
In December 2020 Winning Women held our first charity auction for the Mumba Children’s Project. It was a difficult time for fundraising after so much time in lockdown and an American Winning Women, Denise Miller suggested a Facebook online auction and our first raised £1500. Winning Women donated a product, a course or an hour […]
Ten Top Tips to Attract your ideal clients through networking on and offline.
by Rosemary Cunningham, Money Marketing and Soul Coach and Winning Women Essex founder, Networking. Love it or hate it, it’s so good for your business! Building your own tribe of followers and supporters is important and Winning Women is a fabulous community to do that. Networking is often a slow burn. Please don’t get disillusioned […]