A little history of Winning Women!

Winning Women in Zambia in 2015

When I started my own networking group in 2013, it was called Essex Heart Centred Entrepreneurs.  We grew slowly, from three of us in my lounge to meeting in local cafes.  Some mornings I would be sitting by myself at ten past ten and then one other person came.  One day, August 2014, we were […]

Awakened Belly Dance workshop for Winning Women

Awakened Belly Dance Workshop on 9 November

Here is our next Winning Women workshop on 9 November and an opportunity to experience a taster session of Awakened Belly Dance with Clarity Jane Rivers. Learn more about Jane here. “It was a truly amazing and truly grounding experience and I loved every minute of it”. Leanne Wood “It was the most empowering and […]

Feeding Your Creative Spirit at the Glastonbury Soul Nurture Retreat 

Society has led us to believe that logic and reason are king, but creativity is literally a goddess-centred word.  It’s time to reclaim it! Gathering in Glastonbury from 13-16 October This October, a small group of heart-centred women will be nestled in a cottage, deep in mystical Glastonbury, for the third Soul Nurture Retreat.  More information […]

Winning Women Book Club launches October 2023

October Winning Women book club on 3 October 7pm GMT.

Fancy expanding your mind and social circle with a monthly book club? Come and join us! Here are the details! We will be taking one personal development book a month, chosen by the group. We meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 7pm, starting on 4th October. This  is the Zoom link. No […]

A Winning Women Jewellery Making Workshop

Winning Women jewellery making workshop on 17 May in Chelmsford

This is our first Winning Women Workshop for while! Come and join us on 17 May, 10.30 am til 12 noon in Chelmford for a fun and creative morning learning how to make jewellery, meeting other like minded business women too!  Hosted by Fiona Stretton-Emerson!  For £24 you get to meet other women AND take […]

Winning Women for Action Online Auction, 11-18 November 2022

Winning Women has an online auction, a charity fundraiser from 11- 18 November. The women donate a product or hour of their time, a place on a course and we raise money to support the school by paying teachers wages, maintenance and often, providing school meals for the two hundred and fifty children. Items in […]

Are you an Empath?

Rosemary Cunningham blog, highly sensitive person in business, empath in business

Being sensitive in this world can be tough. Business and traditional school certainly have not been designed to support intuitive, gentle people. It’s time for a change! Here’s a blog about empaths, unmanaged empathy. Later I’ll be writing about our empath super powers and how we can tap into those! I’m a healer, therapist and […]

Some times I have to be less “lady” and more “bitch”!

Antic Bacterial C Section Knickers

Here’s a blog from Natasha from Dandelion Weatherstone. Natasha has developed a pair of antibacterial knickers, especially for women who have C Section or abdominal surgery and are immune compromised. They are ethically produced and vegan too as many fashion items are produced from animal products. Here’s Natasha’s experience of what one has to go […]